
On 20 November, 1945, the trial of 21 leading representalives of the Nazi regime began in Court Room 600, which nad been specially refurbished, the defendants had to answer for their crimes and humanity before an internalional court. Twelve further trials were held here before US military tribunals between 1946 and 1949. Court Room 600 became world-famous because of the importance of the trials for the development of modern internaitonal criminal law. The "Nuremberg Principles" which were a result of the International TrIbunal formed the basis for the International Criminal Court in the Hague.

The Documentation Center Nazi Party Rallying Grounds is a museum in Nuremberg. It is in the north wing of the unfinished remains of the Congress Hall of the former Nazi party rallies. Its permanent exhibition "Fascination and Terror" is concerned with the causes, connections, and consequences of Nazi Germany.