Schydige Platte
Another ominous day, we attempted Schynige Platte. Bad move. As the cog rail ascended, the rain dripped, then descended, in torrents. At the top, we couldn't see three feet, let alone the famous garden. Cold, windy, wet. Even a hot chocolate up there at the only restaurant was depressing. Had to go all the way down and come back another day.
That next time was worth it. Not only were the views a delight, we could finally see the cows whose bells we only spookily heard through the foggy wet, and we were able to hear three folks in costume play traditional Alphorns! The area has a very large garden on verdant Alpine steppes featuring an amazing variety of regional flowers, lichen, and more, all carefully identified. Looking down from those heights, you can see a herd of cows, each with their bells echoing through the mountains, grazing on a very lush, green plain that signage says has been farmed continuously for 1,000 years. Who knew.